Implementation of a Generic Modular Cryptosystem for the RSA on Reconfigurable Hardware

Krishnankutty, Deepak (2009) Implementation of a Generic Modular Cryptosystem for the RSA on Reconfigurable Hardware. MTech thesis.



This report summarizes the work that was initiated from the summer of 2008, on the study and analysis of cryptographic design techniques and their implementation on an FPGA board,i.e. the Virtex II pro.
The study began with the understanding of a popular HDL language, namely, Verilog. Based on the study an implementation of a modular cryptosystem based on the RSA and generic upto a 256 bit modulus was realized. Optimal techniques for developing a high speed RSA cryptosystem is presented in this work.
Through out the thesis the primary tool was the Xilinx based ISE toolkit. However for validation purposes other simulators such as ModelSim was also used. However, the simulations presented in this work utilizes the Xilinx ISE 10.1 Simulator environment. The Xilinx XST 10.1 was used in the synthesis of the implementation.
The division technique utilized a modified non-restoring division scheme. The multiplication scheme used the Karatsuba-Ofman technique. The exponentiation scheme used was the Montgomery Modular exponentiation. The inversion scheme used a modified form of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm which involves no division or multiplication as suggested by Laszlo Hars.
The thesis concludes with suggestions on extending the present implementation of RSA on FPGA.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:FPGA, Cryptosystems, RSA, Karatsuba-Ofman, High Speed Multiplication, Optimal Resource Utilization
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science > Information Security
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:1500
Deposited By:Deepak Krishnankutty
Deposited On:12 Jun 2009 09:21
Last Modified:12 Jun 2009 09:21
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Supervisor(s):Khilar , P M

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