Implementation of a Secure Internet Voting Protocol

Mohanty , B K and Deoghare, S M and M, Ezhilarasan (2010) Implementation of a Secure Internet Voting Protocol. BTech thesis.



Voting is one of the most important activities in a democratic society. In a traditional voting environment voting process sometimes becomes quite inconvenient due to the reluctance of certain voters to visit a polling booth to cast votes besides involving huge social and human resources. The development of computer networks and elaboration of cryptographic techniques facilitate the implementation of electronic voting. In this work we propose a secure electronic voting protocol that is suitable for large scale voting over the Internet. The protocol allows a voter to cast his or her ballot anonymously, by exchanging untraceable yet authentic messages. The e-voting protocol is based on blind signatures and has the properties of anonymity, mobility, efficiency, robustness, authentication, uniqueness, and universal verifiability and coercion-resistant. The proposed protocol encompasses three distinct phases - that of registration phase, voting phase and counting phase involving five parties, the voter, certification centre, authentication server, voting server and a tallying server.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:blind signatures, RSA Cryptography, electronic voting, encryption, voting protocol
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science > Information Security
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:1683
Deposited By:Beeshmoy Kumar Mohanty
Deposited On:13 May 2010 12:23
Last Modified:20 Dec 2013 14:28
Supervisor(s):Mohanty, S

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