Study of Digital Modulation Techniques

Jahagirdar, R and Ukey, A (2010) Study of Digital Modulation Techniques. BTech thesis.



Modulation is the process of facilitating the transfer of information over a medium. Typically the objective of a digital communication system is to transport digital data between two or more nodes. In radio communications this is usually achieved by adjusting a physical characteristic of a sinusoidal carrier, either the frequency, phase, amplitude or a combination thereof . This is performed in real systems with a modulator at the transmitting end to impose the physical change to the carrier and a demodulator at the receiving end to detect the resultant modulation on reception. Hence, modulation can be objectively defined as the process of converting information so that it can be successfully sent through a medium.
This thesis deals with the current digital modulation techniques used in industry. Also, the thesis examines the qualitative and quantitative criteria used in selection of one modulation technique over the other. All the experiments, and realted data collected were obtained using MATLAB and SIMULINK

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Digital modulation, Modulation Techniques, BPSK,FSK,QPSK
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electrical Communications
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electrical Engineering
ID Code:1962
Deposited By:Rohan Jahagirdar
Deposited On:24 May 2010 11:33
Last Modified:15 Jun 2012 09:04
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Supervisor(s):Mohanty, S

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