Salt effect on liquid liquid equilibrium of the system water + 1-butanol + acetone at 298k: experimental determination

Palei, Sitansu (2010) Salt effect on liquid liquid equilibrium of the system water + 1-butanol + acetone at 298k: experimental determination. BTech thesis.



The influence of a solid salt on VLE and LLE cannot be ignored because it significantly changes the equilibrium composition. Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium is the result of intermolecular forces which can significantly change due to salt addition which introduces ionic forces , affecting the thermodynamic equilibrium . Aqueous electrolyte liquid-liquid equilibrium is often related to extraction processes. In the present work the salt effect on the system namely ‘1-Butanol+Water+Acetone’ has been studied with various salts under varied concentration at 298K. The salt used in the above system are NaCl,KCl with 5%,10% and 15% concentration. The solubility data and tie-line data are
taken experimentally at different salt concentration. The experimentally determined tie-line data of this work have been correlated by Hand’s correlation.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Liquid–liquid equilibrium, Data, Salt effect, Experimental, Correlation
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering > Mass Transfer
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:2003
Deposited By:Sitansu Palei
Deposited On:03 Jun 2010 09:31
Last Modified:03 Jun 2010 09:31
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Supervisor(s):Rath, P

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