Synthesis and Characterization of Multiferroic Composite (Barium Titanate Nickel Ferrite) by Solid State Route

Patel, A (2010) Synthesis and Characterization of Multiferroic Composite (Barium Titanate Nickel Ferrite) by Solid State Route. BTech thesis.



Both Barium titanate and Nickel ferrite were synthesized by Conventional ceramic processing method. Mixed oxide of BaCO3 and TiO2 for BaTiO3 and NiO and Fe2O3 for NiFe2O4 were calcined at 1000 oC for four hour and 900 oC for four hour respectively. Phases of particular compounds have been confirmed by XRD. For preparing multi ferroic composites the two separate powders are proved to be suitable. Composite (Four batches were prepared with composition 50:50, 60:40,70:30 and 80:20 ).

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Multiferroic Composite, Barium Titanate Nickel Ferrite
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Ceramic Engnieering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Ceramic Engineering
ID Code:2005
Deposited By:Mr Rakesh Ranjan Pani
Deposited On:04 Jun 2010 10:10
Last Modified:04 Jun 2010 10:10
Supervisor(s):Chowdhury, A

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