Simulation of rapid loading systems in iron ore mines

Sandeep, Manakeshwar and Sumeet , Verma (2010) Simulation of rapid loading systems in iron ore mines. BTech thesis.



In the mining industry, it is observed that sudden break-down of any equipment may stop the entire system, resulting in drastic production losses and enhancing the cost production. In this paper, the probability of sudden break down of each equipment are individually analyzed from their previous performances where the frequency of occurrences, duration and the time-interval of each breakdown has given an additional stress and the non-availability of that equipment on the entire system is discussed. Computerized best fit matching is found out for preventive maintenance of this equipment by developing different sub-routines and simulation models. Optimum utilization of those equipment shows a particular steady- state production from the mine.
Advanced technology is used for the operation of the open-pit mining. Hazard due to open cast mining is less than that of underground mines and the recent trend is to adopt the former one. For the mechanization, different types of machineries are used, such as shovel, dumper, dozer, drill machines, etc. use of more machineries increases the complexity of the operation and as a result it is very difficult to the proper matching of these equipment’s. As these machineries are very costly so unless they are properly matched, reduction in production cost is not possible. Sudden breakdown of one equipment may stop the production from whole mine. So it is needed to analyze the breakdown data by statistical approach to find out the possibility of breakdown of that particular equipment and ask for preventive maintenance. This analysis needed the help of computer for simulating the whole mining system to judge the performance of each equipment. This paper deals with the computerized best fit matching, for preventive maintenance of equipment.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Loading, transportation, iron ore
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Transportation Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mining Engineering
ID Code:2037
Deposited By:Manakeshwar Sandeep R
Deposited On:15 Jun 2010 14:29
Last Modified:15 Jun 2010 14:29
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Supervisor(s):Pal, B K

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