Practical Aspect Of Power Budget and QoS Analysis of WDM Network

Agarwal, Manish Kumar and Singh, Khumukcham Rajeshwar (2011) Practical Aspect Of Power Budget and QoS Analysis of WDM Network. BTech thesis.



Abstract - Optical fibre communication systems are composed of optical source, the optical fibre as transmission medium with associated connectors, and the photo detector with its associated receiver. The system designer must select from a set of device components to meet a given set of system requirements. We need to analyse, simulate and finally validate that the designed system satisfies those requirements. An important problem in WDM network design is to construct an algorithm to determine the optimal light-path from a set of all possible paths in a network topology. To establish an optical path, it is necessary to determine the route by which the call will traffic on and the wavelength that will be used on all links along the route. Based on the power budget and quality of service (QoS) analysis, we proposed a method of optimal light-path selection mechanism. The selected light path shows it’s QoS in terms of Quality Factor (Q-factor).

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:power budget, Q-Factor,all possible light-path
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Optical Character Recognition
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:2572
Deposited On:18 May 2011 11:39
Last Modified:18 May 2011 11:39
Supervisor(s):Das, S K

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