Radiation Modeling for Bio-Medical Applications

Choudhury, Samir (2009) Radiation Modeling for Bio-Medical Applications. BTech thesis.

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Thermal radiation is important in many applications, and its analysis is difficult in the presence of a participating medium. In traditional engineering studies, the transient term of the radiative transfer equation (RTE) can be neglected. The assumption does not lead to important errors since the temporal variations of the observables e.g. temperature are slow as compared to the time of light of a photon. However in many new applications in different fields the transient effect must be considered in the RTE, like it has a great usability in the field of Bio-medical (applications like optical tomography, detection of scar tissues and many more all of which is interaction of LASER with the participating medium, tissue). In the transient phase, the reflected and the transmitted signals have temporal signatures that persist for a time period greater than the duration of the source pulse. This could be a source of information about the properties inside the medium. Hence sufficiently accurate solution methods are required.
In the last few years, the finite volume method (FVM) and discrete transfer method has emerged as one of the most attractive methods for modeling steady and transient state radiative transfer.
The present research work deals with the analysis of steady and transient radiative transfer in two dimensional square enclosure using FVM and analysis of steady and transient RTE with one boundary subjected to single short pulse irradiation.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Radiation, Isotropic, Anisotropic, Scattering, Absorbing, Emission, Short-Pulse Laser, Optical Thickness, Optical Tomography
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Thermodynamics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:264
Deposited By:Samir Choudhury
Deposited On:12 May 2009 14:20
Last Modified:12 May 2009 14:20
Supervisor(s):Mahapatra, S K

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