Design of a PC based wireless door security system

Jena, Sucharita (2012) Design of a PC based wireless door security system. MTech thesis.



This project is developed by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System, ATMEGA-32 Microcontroller and relay switching circuit to design a PC based Time attendance and Wireless door access system. The main objective of this project is to implement a time attendance system along with a door lock system for secure and reliable applications. The system gives all types of information regarding student registration, in-out track record, attendance details which can be used for future reference. In this project, both the hardware and software modules are integrated. The hardware module includes a Passive RFID reader, ATMEGA-32 microcontroller, Relay Switching circuit and LEDs. The advantage of using passive RFID is that it functions without a battery and passive tags are lighter and are less expensive than the active tags [4].The software module uses Microsoft visual studio 2008, which is designed in such a way that the hardware system is interfaced and controlled from the computer with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The primary purpose of the project is to authenticate each user .The system enables user to check-in and check-out under fast, secure and convenient conditions. The system also includes door locking system which opens up when the user taps the tag on the RFID reader and the tag information is matched with the information already stored in database. The RFID reader along with ATMEGA-32 microcontroller controls the opening and closing of the door.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:RFID – Radio Frequency Identification, GUI – Graphical User Interface, ATmega32--microcontroller of Atmel’s Mega AVR family, C# - C sharp, LED-Light Emitting Diode, ISO – International Organization for Standardization, USART – Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > VLSI
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:4125
Deposited By:Unnamed user with email
Deposited On:13 Jun 2012 14:30
Last Modified:13 Jun 2012 14:30
Supervisor(s):Das, S K

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