Overcoming the challenges in very deep submicron for area reduction, power reduction and faster design closure

Koyyalamudi , Rakesh (2007) Overcoming the challenges in very deep submicron for area reduction, power reduction and faster design closure. MTech thesis.



The project is aimed at understanding the existing very deep sub-micron (VDSM) implementation of a digital design, analyzing it from the point of view of power, area and timing and to come up with solutions and strategies to optimize the implementation in terms of power, area and timing. The effort involved, to understand the constraints, reasons and the requirements resulting in the existing implementation of the design. Further, various experiments were carried out to improve the design in various aspects like power, area and timing. The tradeoffs required and the benefits of each of the experiments were contrasted and analyzed. The optimum solutions and strategies which balance the requirements were tried out and published at the end of the report.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:VDSM
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:4402
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:13 Jul 2012 15:44
Last Modified:13 Jul 2012 15:44
Supervisor(s):Mahapatra, K K

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