Design of temperature controllers using labview

Mishra, Abhilash and Mishra, Pinaki (2013) Design of temperature controllers using labview. BTech thesis.



This work describes a framework of ON/OFF, proportional and PID temperature controller systems. The design and implementation of this process is done using LABVIEW software. The project involves includes data acquisition, data processing and the display of data. A ON/OFF controller is designed to measure temperature and the LABVIEW virtual instrument is used to control the temperature and ensure that the temperature does not go beyond a certain set point. Feedback control is used in industry to improve and regulate response and result of a number of processes and systems. This project gives us an idea about the development and design of a feedback control system that keeps the temperature of the process at a predefined set point. The system contains data acquisition unit that gives input and output interfaces in between the PC, the sensor circuit and hardware. A proportional, integral, and derivative controller is implemented using LabVIEW. The project provides details about the data acquisition unit, the implementation of the controller and also presents test results.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:LabVIEW;VIs;IEEE;DAQ;PID
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Instrumentation
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:4805
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:01 Nov 2013 13:50
Last Modified:20 Dec 2013 11:52
Supervisor(s):Pati, U C

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