Health and health seeking behaviour among the tribals: A case study in sundargarh district of odisha

Pradhan, Saswat Kumar (2013) Health and health seeking behaviour among the tribals: A case study in sundargarh district of odisha. MA thesis.



The common beliefs, customs and practices connected with health and disease have found to be intimately related with the treatment of disease. The health problems of rural especially of the tribals need special attention because the tribal people have distinctive health problem, which are mainly governed by their traditional beliefs, practices and ecological conditions. Some tribal groups still believe that a disease is always caused by hostile spirits or by the breach of some taboo. The present dissertation analyses the socio-economic and cultural onslaughts, arising partly from the erratic exploitation of human and material resources, have endangered the naturally healthy environment. The present study explored the community perspective towards the causes of various diseases prevalent and the health and health seeking behaviour among the tribals. The study was conducted in the Jhirdapali Panchayat of Bonaigarh Block in Sundargarh district in Odisha taking 148 households using random sampling method. Both qualitative and quantitative data was analyzed in the backdrop of the project objectives. Quantitative data was tabulated and statistically analyzed using SPSS software. The study has revealed that the cause of illness and healing system are found to be associated with the magico-religious beliefs and it was also revealed that the factors like age, sex, education of the patient. Types of illness, severity of diseases, health care facility, belief regarding the cause of diseases and previous experiences affects selection of different ways of treatment and finally the study concludes with the relevant finding that the villager’s responses towards illness behaviour is guided and conditioned by their culture.

Item Type:Thesis ( MA)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Tribals; Health; Magico-religious; illness; Treatment
Subjects:Humanities & Social Sciences > Tribal Studies
Humanities & Social Sciences > Medical Anthropology
Divisions: Social Sciences > Department of Humanities & Social Sciences
ID Code:5038
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:05 Dec 2013 17:00
Last Modified:05 Dec 2013 17:00
Supervisor(s):Mishra, N R

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