Synthesis of Multi-constraint Adaptive Antenna Array Employing Harmony Search and Differential Evolution Techniques

Varma, Dondapati Suneel (2013) Synthesis of Multi-constraint Adaptive Antenna Array Employing Harmony Search and Differential Evolution Techniques. MTech thesis.



Smart Antenna systems have recently received increasing interest as the demand for better quality and new value added services on the existing wireless communication systems. There is a great increase in demand on mobile wireless operators to provide voice and high-speed data services and to support more users per base station in order to reduce overall network costs and make the services affordable to subscribers. Smart antenna technology offers a significantly improved solution to reduce interference levels and improve the system capacity. These system of antennas include different geometry and adaptive techniques to enhance the received signal with a fixed DOA by suppressing the interferences. Although enormous study has been done on smart antennas special emphasis and development has not been provided to the antenna array structure and adaptive methods. In this work a scheme attempt is made to use a met-heuristic musical inspired Harmony Search (HS) algorithm and Differential Evolution technique to formulate the adaptive equations and to detect the Angle of arrival and angle of interference with multiple users. Comparative analysis of the two techniques is performed.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Smart antenna, AOA, AOI, Linear array, Circular array, Differential evolution, Harmony search.
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electrical Engineering > Wireless Communication
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electrical Engineering
ID Code:5081
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:06 Dec 2013 14:53
Last Modified:06 Dec 2013 14:53
Supervisor(s):Subhashini, K R

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