Optimized Design of Axially Symmetric Cassegrain Reflector antenna using Iterative Local Search Algorithm

Dandu, Obulesu (2013) Optimized Design of Axially Symmetric Cassegrain Reflector antenna using Iterative Local Search Algorithm. MTech thesis.



Dual reflector antennas are considered as pencil beam antennas that can produce radiation identical to searchlight beams. As compared with front-fed configuration, design of dual-reflector geometry is complicated since the parameters like feed location, sub reflectorsize, required taper on sub reflector, selection of focal length to diameter ratio of the main reflector, amplitude distribution provided by feed etc. are to be adjusted as per the given specifications. Also the side lobe suppression effort requires the antenna to be designed for minimum sub reflector blockage. The design of such a cassegrain reflector is considered for the minimum blockage condition. Along with the parameters like high gain and low cross-polarization; low VSWR is also one of the prenominal parameter that can be achieved. The optimized values of f/Dand angle subtended by the sub reflector is obtained by using Iterative Local Search algorithm. For obtaining the radiation diagrams, ‘Induced Current Analysis of Reflector Antenna’ and GRASP soft wares are used. This will help us to identify the factors that affect the radiation pattern of the antenna.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Main Reflector;Subreflector;Optimized edge taper;Optimized focal length to dish diameter ratio; Optimized angle subtended by the subreflector.
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electrical Engineering > Wireless Communication
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electrical Engineering
ID Code:5438
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:19 Dec 2013 16:43
Last Modified:19 Dec 2013 16:43
Supervisor(s):Subhashini , K R

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