Bioremediation of mercury by biofilm forming mercury resistant marine bacteria

Anthony, Edwin (2014) Bioremediation of mercury by biofilm forming mercury resistant marine bacteria. MSc thesis.



Predominantly most of the environmental bacteria that were living as a habitant of soil and sediments of lakes and river might embrace the heavy metal genotype to best fitted in the toxic territory. So far mer operon mechanism study reveals a lot of facts and data regarding the resistivity secret of mercury resistant bacteria (MRB). Some mer operon genes that bacteria harbours were merA, merP, mer T, merB, were merB responsible for detoxifying organo mercurial compounds by breaking the C-Hg bond. In present study the attempt has been made to mitigate the mercury toxicity using the biofilm forming marine bacteria. There is no doubt that biofilm has always been a sign of spoilage, however from this negativity a beneficial and novel concept was seeking for a human welfare and that we tried to perceive. The EPS present in the biofilm has a specific relation with heavy metals; heavy metals binds with EPS and moves inside the bacteria (bioaccumulation) were it binds with a thiol group and finally a mer operon gene coming in to the picture for concluding rest of the activity by detoxifying the toxicity of heavy metal by mer operon mechanism. Bacteria are capable enough for these kinds of activity and so they were believe to be a regulator for environmental pollution.

Item Type:Thesis ( MSc)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Mercury,Bioremediation,Bioaccumulation,Marine Bacteria
Subjects:Life Science > Marine Biotechnology
Divisions: Sciences > Department of Life Science
ID Code:5678
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:28 Jul 2014 11:00
Last Modified:02 Sep 2015 19:27
Supervisor(s):Das, Surajit

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