Implementation of FPGA in the Design of Embedded Systems

Srikanth, P K A S and Srinivas, K (2007) Implementation of FPGA in the Design of Embedded Systems. BTech thesis.



The use of FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) and configurable processors is an interesting new phenomenon in embedded development. FPGAs offer all of the features needed to implement most complex designs. Clock management is facilitated by on-chip PLL (phase-locked loop) or DLL (delay-locked loop) circuitry. Dedicated memory blocks can be
configured as basic single-port RAMs, ROMs, FIFOs, or CAMs. Data processing, as embodied in the devices’ logic fabric, varies widely. The ability to link the FPGA with backplanes, high-speed buses, and memories is afforded by support for various single ended and differential I/O standards. Also found on today’s FPGAs are system-building resources such as high speed serial I/Os, arithmetic modules, embedded processors, and large amounts of memory.
Here in our project we have tried to implement such powerful FPGAs in the design of possible embedded systems that can be designed, burned and deployed at the site of operation for handling of many kinds of applications. In our project we have basically dealt with two of such applications –one the prioritized traffic light controller and other a speech encrypting and decrypting system.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Finite State Machine; Cipher
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Intelligent Instrumentaion
Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > VLSI
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:57
Deposited By:Anshul Baranwal
Deposited On:05 May 2009 15:23
Last Modified:05 May 2009 15:38
Supervisor(s):Mahapatra, K K

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