Comparison of Zero Knowledge Authentication Protocols

Paramanik, Subhasish (2014) Comparison of Zero Knowledge Authentication Protocols. BTech thesis.



A Zero knowledge Authentication is a protocol which takes place between two parties called the Claimant and the Verifier. In the Zero Knowledge Authentication, anything which may increase the danger of confidentiality of the secret is not revealed by one party, which is called the claimant. The claimant simply has to prove the other part called the verifier that it knows a secret, without telling it. The interactions are designed not to give or reveal any secret. After interchanging messages, the verifier can only know that the claimant does or doesn’t have the secret. The result which is found out is simply a yes/no situation that has only single bit of information. Here the three important protocols of Zero knowledge Authentication have been implemented, which are Fiat-Shamir protocol, Fiege-Fiat Shamir protocol and Guillou- Quisquater protocol and their performances are compared.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Authentication,claimant,verifier,secret
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science > Information Security
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:5755
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:01 Aug 2014 14:46
Last Modified:01 Aug 2014 14:46
Supervisor(s):Turuk, A K

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