Data Security in Cloud Computing Based on Advanced Secret Sharing Key Management Scheme

Mishra, Aastha (2014) Data Security in Cloud Computing Based on Advanced Secret Sharing Key Management Scheme. MTech thesis.



Cloud computing is a globalised concept and there are no borders within the cloud. Computers used to process and store user data can be located anywhere on the globe, depending on where the capacities that are required are available in the global computer networks used for cloud computing. Because of the attaractive features of cloud computing many organizations are using cloud storage for storing their critical information. The data can be stored remotely in the cloud by the users and can be accessed using thin clients as and when required.One of the major issue in cloud today is data security in cloud computing.Storage of data in the cloud can be risky because of use of Internet by cloud based services which means less control over the stored data. One of the major concern in cloud is how do we grab all the benefits of the cloud while maintaining security controls over the organizations assets. Our aim is to propose a more reliable, decentralized light weight key management technique for cloud systems which provides more effecient data security and key management in cloud systems. Our proposed technique provides better security against byzantine failure, server colluding and data modification attacks.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Cloud security; key management; server colluding attacks; Byzantine failure;Subject List Distributed Systems, Information Security
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science > Information Security
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:5845
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:20 Aug 2014 14:09
Last Modified:20 Aug 2014 14:09
Supervisor(s):Khilar, P M

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