Re-design of drivers’ car seat using three dimensional reverse engineering

Mishra, L and Singh, H (2014) Re-design of drivers’ car seat using three dimensional reverse engineering. BTech thesis.



Automobile seat design in current practice requires satisfying the ergonomics guidelines as well as considers the comfort expectation of the population. The main aim is to re-examine the existing car seat designs and to propose a novel seat design for better comfort. The number of cars reviewed for drivers’ seat features and user comfort are based on the analysis using a statistical tool. The statistical tool analysis is defined using data from the survey conducted. The proposed design is obtained using the 3-D Reverse Engineering procedure on the selected car seat models. The result is assessed to show that the modified car seat design is superior in terms of form, shape, seat features, usability and comfort. Through this work, the basic seat needs while driving, for example pain preclusion aspects and comfort weightage are defined. The survey done can expunge the expenditure for test experimentations in the future and the proposed methodology can be useful in establishing new design standards for the seat.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:ergonomics; statistical tool; subjective analysis ; comfort features; reverse engineering; point cloud
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Industrial Design > Design
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Industrial Design
ID Code:6069
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:26 Aug 2014 10:37
Last Modified:26 Aug 2014 10:37
Supervisor(s):Khan, M R

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