Development of probiotic chocolate from bael

Panda, Swapna Sonali (2014) Development of probiotic chocolate from bael. MSc thesis.



A functional food is a food that has been added with new ingredients or the present ingredients have be processed in a manner that it provides additional health benefits than the conventional form. Aegle marmelos, commonly called as bael is a plant of the Rutaceae family and is known since ancient times on account of its medicinal properties. The leaves, bark, fruits and flowers are edible and confers different health benefits. The fruits of the plant are widely consumed and its pulp has a sweet, aromatic flavor and imparts a characteristic taste when consumed. The parts of the plant are often found to be ingredients of many ayurvedic medicines and are also used locally in certain illness such as diarrhea, constipation, gastro intestinal disorders, irritable bowel syndrome etc. Most of the beneficial properties of bael are derived from the pulp of the fruit. Probiotics on the other hand refers to live microbes, which when consumed in adequate amounts confers some health benefits. A number of beneficial effects have been attributed to the use of probiotics. In order to provide the advantageous effects of both bael and probiotics, a product is formulated that contains both bael fruit extracts and probiotics, which forms a functional food and when consumed will provide the benefits of both.

Item Type:Thesis ( MSc)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Functional foods; bael; probiotics; probiotic chocolate
Subjects:Life Science > Microbiology
Divisions: Sciences > Department of Life Science
ID Code:6133
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:27 Aug 2014 17:20
Last Modified:27 Aug 2014 17:20
Supervisor(s):Jayabalan, R

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