Energy management at municipal parking deck for charging of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with differential evolution

Tikader, Ripan (2014) Energy management at municipal parking deck for charging of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with differential evolution. MTech thesis.



The development of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles will impact the operation of the power grid since the entrance of these vehicles in substantial numbers will sum to a sizable extra load. This thesis recommends an algorithm for an energy management system (EMS) to apportion constrained power accessible from the utility to a large number of PHEVs parked at a municipal parking deck whereas additionally taking the vehicle battery qualities and client inclination into thought. We start with an itemized portrayal of the framework operation and parts emulated by the proposal of a scientific skeleton for enhancement of power designation. We then recommend the formulation and solution for attaining the ideal assignment methodology taking state of charge augmentation at plug out time as the target. We accomplish by the performance of simulation results. In this thesis, an algorithm is recommended to optimally accomplish a huge number in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV's) charging at a municipal parking deck. Differential Evolution optimization is utilized to dispense vitality effectively to the PHEV's. Requirements like vitality value, remaining battery capacity, and staying charging time are utilized. Recreation results are exhibited and talked about.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Phev; Differential Evolution; Energy Management System; Genetic Algorithm
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electrical Engineering > Power Systems
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electrical Engineering
ID Code:6330
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:09 Sep 2014 15:56
Last Modified:09 Sep 2014 15:56
Supervisor(s):Ganguly, S

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