Impact of Uranium Mine on Health Of Tribal People: A Study of Jadugoda Region

Kumari , Neha (2015) Impact of Uranium Mine on Health Of Tribal People: A Study of Jadugoda Region. MA thesis.



The present study revolves around the impact of Uranium Mining on Health of the tribal people of the Jadugoda region. There is general mindfulness amongst the tribal group with respect to conceivable destructive impacts of radiation on wellbeing and prosperity of people. There are number of health related issues that exists in the uranium mining areas which needs maximum attention. There are questions which are needed to be enquired, for instance, the influence of uranium mining on the health of the local community and to explore the impact of uranium mining on employees of the mining companies Vis-a- Vis non-employee. The study has both qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection to achieve the objectives of the study. Three villages were selected for the study based on random selection. Uranium Corporation of India Limited, a uranium mining company is operating in these villages.

Item Type:Thesis ( MA)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Uranium Mining, Health Hazards, Employees, Non- Employees, Tribal
Subjects:Humanities & Social Sciences > Health economics
Divisions: Social Sciences > Department of Humanities & Social Sciences
ID Code:6747
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:03 Dec 2015 17:01
Last Modified:03 Dec 2015 17:01
Supervisor(s):Pradhan, J

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