Prevalence of Substance Abuse among Engineering Students

Nayak, Debabrata (2015) Prevalence of Substance Abuse among Engineering Students. MA thesis.



The study was initiated with the key objective of examining the prevalence rate of substance abuse among engineering students of a premier engineering institute of India, and also to identify the factors responsible for such behaviour among these students. The objectives also included to identify and propose appropriate methods and solutions through which this type behaviour among engineering students could be countered. The study was undertaken among students of a centrally funded technical institute. Data triangulation method was used by taking data from data sources like engineering students, non-technical students, hostel authorities, security personnel, student counsellor, nearby shopkeepers etc. for better data validity. The study was qualitative in nature. In-depth interviews and daily observation methods were used, to identify the nature of substance abuse among students & to provide proper solutions for those who are highly or moderately addicted to substance. The results of the study show that B.Tech students are more addicted to substance than the M.Tech and Ph.D. students. The main reason for this kind of behaviour is due to excessive freedom from both parents and administration. Use of psychoactive substances also leads to various types of health hazards such as chest pain, decrease in stamina and cough. It also has impact on education. In addition, the lack of any involvement from non-users or passive users against instances of substance abuse leads to a state of more vulnerability and a feeling of isolation among the user base. Some probable solutions recommended to decrease the harmful use of substance abuse among students are - awareness programmes, open house discussions, creation of support groups, in addition to strict rules and regulations regarding use of substance in hostels. Routine meeting with parents may also help to evaluate the changes perceived among the wards as a result timely treatment and support could be made available to students.

Item Type:Thesis ( MA)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Substance Abuse, Drugs, engineering students, prevalence rate, psychoactive substances
Subjects:Humanities & Social Sciences > Health Psychology
Humanities & Social Sciences > Social Change
Humanities & Social Sciences > Urban Sociology
Humanities & Social Sciences > Social and Personality Psychology
Divisions: Social Sciences > Department of Humanities & Social Sciences
ID Code:6750
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:03 Dec 2015 16:43
Last Modified:03 Dec 2015 16:43
Supervisor(s):Mohanty, S

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