Coherent Modularity Driven Framework for Global Software Development

Gopal, Raj (2015) Coherent Modularity Driven Framework for Global Software Development. MTech thesis.



An appropriate design is required to reduce the problems associated with the software development and maximize the benefits. Modularization in the other way can help in improving the design which can also help in Global Software Development(GSD). In GSD, Modularization can help in distributing the work in different regions. Work is distributed after a thorough study of different tasks and various location, So to do this, categorization of work should be undertaken before it is distributed. This thesis is overall divided into two parts. The first part helps in finding modules using two different analysis. The second part uses the final output of the first part to find coupling and cohesion. In globally distributed software projects,it is possible to have a discrepancy between organizational structure and software architecture which may diminish the overall production. The final aim of software modularization is to increase software project quality and productivity. This thesis is subdivided into two different parts. The first part helps in finding modules using two different analysis : Dependency and Functionality Analysis. In dependency analysis the dependency among modules are checked and the best modular structure is found of it and in functionality analysis the components having functions together are taken to form the best modular structure and after this the best modular structure is found out using both the analysis. In the second part, coupling and cohesion are found using information theory approach .

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Module, Coupling, Cohesion, DSM, GSD, Dependency, Functionality
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:6763
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:30 Dec 2015 14:51
Last Modified:30 Dec 2015 14:51
Supervisor(s):Mohapatra, D P

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