Analysis of Essential Oil Content Obtained from Plant Materials Using Steam Distillation

Palai, Ashis (2015) Analysis of Essential Oil Content Obtained from Plant Materials Using Steam Distillation. BTech thesis.



An expansive number of materials contain Essential Oils with broad bioactvities. Recognizing the significance of plant and its restorative quality, Essential Oil was extracted utilizing Steam Distillation technique. In this venture Steam Distillation was utilized to concentrate oil from distinctive plant materials like eucalyptus leaf, curry leaf, hibiscus leaf, marigold blossoms, rose blooms, orange peels and so forth. Examination has affirmed hundreds of years of down to earth utilization of vital oils, and we now realize that the 'fragrant drug store' contain mixes with an amazingly expansive scope of biochemical effects. Fundamental oils are accepted to speak to the very substance of odour and flavour. The recuperation of Essential Oil from the crude organic beginning material is essential since the nature of the oil is enormously impacted amid this step. There is a mixed bag of strategies for acquiring unstable oil from plant. Steam distillation technique was discovered for systems of the extraction of key oil from plants as legitimate distiller will protect the first characteristics of the plant. The distillation was led in Clevenger apparatus where bubbling, gathering and decantation was finished. Examination of Essential oil had been done utilizing Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer, which gives evaluates Essential Oil subjectively and quantetatively. Volume of Oil acquired had been changed with respect to temperature and heating

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:steam distillation, essential oil, gas chromatography mass spectrometer,cleavenger's apparatus
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering > Seperation Process
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:6793
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:23 May 2016 12:54
Last Modified:23 May 2016 12:54
Supervisor(s):Sahoo, A

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