Preparation and Characterization of PVA and Carrageenan Based Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications

Nanda, Arpita (2015) Preparation and Characterization of PVA and Carrageenan Based Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications. MSc thesis.



Hydrogels are three-dimensional, cross- linked networks of water-soluble polymers. They can be made from nearly any water-soluble polymer, covering a wide range of chemical compositions and bulk physical properties. These are highly porous . For our preparation of hydrogels we have used 10% PVA with 2% Carrageenan . cross linker was added for the preparation of gel . Characterizations were done Physiochemical characterization and other characterization . Under physiochemical characterization we have don SEM , XRD , MICROSCOPY, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL . And under other characterization we have done Hemocompatibility , Drug release , Swelling, Antimicrobial and MTT Assay. The above characterisation of the hydrogels showed that the hydrogels can be used for a control drug delivery system. It can be used for biomedical applications.We found that CP 6 shows the better result as comparable to the rest of the concentrations as it shows the high hemocompatibility and antimicrobial activity. It also shows good swelling ability and uniform drug release profile

Item Type:Thesis ( MSc)
Uncontrolled Keywords:hydrogel, PVA, Carrageenan, glutaraldehyde
Subjects:Life Science > Immunology
Divisions: Sciences > Department of Life Science
ID Code:6875
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:06 Jan 2016 15:34
Last Modified:06 Jan 2016 15:34
Supervisor(s):Nayak, B

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