Study on Service Quality of Hotel Industry in Rourkela

Mahadev, Jim (2015) Study on Service Quality of Hotel Industry in Rourkela. MA thesis.



This project attempts to study the service quality of hotel industry in Rourkela.Service quality is the degree and direction of discrepancy between consumers' perceptions and expectations in terms of different but relatively important dimensions of service quality. A 26-question SERVQUAL scale measuring five basic dimensions i.e., Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy of service quality was used to understand the service quality of hotel industry. Population for the study consisted of customers of 15 Hotels of Rourkela. In all 230 customers were surveyed.The findings were very surprising as. The important finding of our study is that ,in case of realibility,the customers are satisfied the maximum considering the five factors of service quality model,but in case of assurance customers are least satisfied.The sequence of satisfaction is reliability,responsiveness then tangibles then empathy finally assurance.From these findings we conclude that in terms of realiability the hotels of Rourkela are in a good position when customer satisfaction is concerned.Hotels of Rourkela have to concentrate on empathy as well as on assuranve because in terms of assurance all the hotels of Rourkela have a poor rating. On the whole the industry did not match the expectations of customers.To minimize this gap between customers' perceptions and expectations customers suggested introduction of wi-fi, entertainment facilities, swimming pool, trained reliable staff, better equipment, better food, prompt service etc.

Item Type:Thesis ( MA)
Uncontrolled Keywords:SERVQUAL, Hotel Industry, Rourkela, Customer Service
ID Code:7082
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:22 Feb 2016 16:05
Last Modified:22 Feb 2016 16:05
Supervisor(s):Uzma, S H

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