Study on State Predictive Controllers for Networked Control System

Jain, Aman (2015) Study on State Predictive Controllers for Networked Control System. MTech thesis.



When different control components of a closed loop control system are connected through a common network channel then the resulting control system is a Networked Control System. This spatially distributed system has several advantages like reduced system wiring, easy fault detection and maintenance capability.Unfortunately the introduction of communication channel results in several disadvantages like network induced delays and packet dropouts leading to loss of synchronism in the control system. The network induced imperfections causes system instability and complexity for the control engineers to design a suitable controller in order to compensate their effect on closed loop control system. In addition to the complexity in design the network induced imperfections should be measured, analysed by incorporating them in the closed loop control system. The project investigates the problem of network induced time delays in a networked control system by studying the behaviour of network induced time delay in a control system controlled by Linear Quadratic controller or a Pole placement controller using the states obtained from discrete Kalman filter state estimation, which estimates the current state in the presence of state and output noises. Further a control augmentation method is used by incorporating network induced delay in the plant model control vector. The time delayed control vector creates difficulty in designing the controller which is solved by time shifting approach. Further a state predictor is designed by using plant model transition matrix to predict the future states from present and past values of control vector and state estimate. Hence an optimal predictive controller is designed wherein the Linear Quadratic or pole placement controller uses the predictive state obtained from the state predictor to compensate the effect of network induced time delay and improve the control system performance.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Networked control system,Kalman Filtering Estimation,State Predictor,Predictive Controller
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electrical Engineering > Wireless Communication
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electrical Engineering
ID Code:7085
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:23 Feb 2016 13:36
Last Modified:23 Feb 2016 13:36
Supervisor(s):Ghosh, S

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