Empirical Study on Entrepreneurs' Interpersonal Traits and its Effect on Business Performance of SMEs

Mohanty, Smruti Ranjan (2015) Empirical Study on Entrepreneurs' Interpersonal Traits and its Effect on Business Performance of SMEs. MA thesis.



The report is the summation of the project work carried on during the course of masters project over a period of 3 months from Jan 2015 to Mar 2015. The project undertaken was “An Empirical Study on Entrepreneurs' Interpersonal Traits and its Effect on Business Performance”. The objective of the study is to identify the personal determinants of entrepreneur which are helpful for the success of the business; further the objective of the study was not only to highlight the determinant of entrepreneurial success but also to check the impact of each determinant on the success of business. Further it is also to identify the critical factor for success of business performance. It began with successful interpersonal traits of an entrepreneur and what drives them towards success and how this traits affects the business performance of small and medium enterprise entrepreneur. For this we have taken 5 factors for interpersonal traits and 1 factor for business performance. The analysis based on the owner/managers who responded to a questionnaire survey conducted on sample of small scale industries in Sundergarh district ofOdisha. Initially, exploratory factor analysis has generated five factor solutions. In order to confirm reliability of factor, Cronbach‟s alpha was used.

Item Type:Thesis ( MA)
Uncontrolled Keywords:entrepreneurship, business performance, SMEs, Interpersonal traits, empirical study
ID Code:7333
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:07 Apr 2016 15:06
Last Modified:07 Apr 2016 15:06
Supervisor(s):Panda, R K

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