Design From Deconstruction: Design And Development of an Electric Toaster

Sahu, Pranay Kumar and Pattnaik, Tirthankar (2015) Design From Deconstruction: Design And Development of an Electric Toaster. BTech thesis.



The act of cooking bread is an old on. In right on time human advancements bread was set on an open fire, this additionally anticipated mold development on the bread. The Romans brought this thought back from Egypt in 500 B.C. what's more, took it to Great Britain when they attacked in A.D. 44. The primary electric toaster was undoubtedly imagined in 1905, which is the year Albert Marsh built up the Nichrome wire, making the electric toaster conceivable. Throughout the year's toaster sizes, shapes and components changed yet the outcome is the cooking of bread items. Electric toaster as the name recommend is basically a convenient residential machine planned for toasting bread and is worked electrically. The bread is embedded in the toaster, warmed at craved temperature till cocoa in shading and a sensible surface. That is the span of the toasting period is foreordained by setting of inherent control gadget. It is valuable to local family and in addition eateries and lodgings and so forth. The favorable circumstances are, it spares work and time, simple upkeep, keeps kitchen clean and clean. The electric toaster is worked at 220 volts A.C., single stage and accessible in four distinctive evaluated limit, for example, 600 W, 750 W, 1000 W and 1250 W

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Browning, Nichrome wire, toasting
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Industrial Design > Design
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Industrial Design
ID Code:7653
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:18 Sep 2016 14:10
Last Modified:18 Sep 2016 14:10
Supervisor(s):Biswal, B B

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