Experimental Studies on Measuring the Diffusion Coefficient of Various Solids with Varying Geometries in Air

Utkarsh, . (2015) Experimental Studies on Measuring the Diffusion Coefficient of Various Solids with Varying Geometries in Air. BTech thesis.



Molecular diffusion is basic to mass transport and the essential system of this marvel and quantitative estimation of the same is discriminating to mass exchange operations viz. refining, assimilation/stripping, fluid extraction and so forth. In this piece of work, we consider the diffusion coefficient of diverse solids with distinctive geometry. It is an imperative thing to highlight that radiant substances locate an unfathomable use in different fields like in the generation of moth balls, in the decontamination of mixes, in the Frost free Freezer. In any case, suitably measured diffusivity information can without much of a stretch be utilized as a part of evaluating the mass exchange coefficients utilizing key ideas of different prescient hypotheses like (film, entrance, surface re-establishment and limit layer).In this work, solids of different geometries (both spherical as well as cylindrical) were chosen to measure the diffusivity. Naphthalene balls, Camphor balls, Iodine balls, Phthalic anhydride balls and caffeine balls were used to study the diffusion phenomenon. Moreover the Phthalic anhydride and caffeine balls were only present in the spherical form while Naphthalene, Camphor and Iodine balls were present in both spherical and cylindrical form. These solids carried different colours as Naphthalene and camphor balls were white in colour whereas Iodine appeared as bluish blackish solid, again caffeine balls were white and Phthalic anhydride appeared as dull white in colour.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Diffusion, Fick's law, Diffusivity, Diffusion coefficient
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering > Mass Transfer
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:7675
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:25 May 2016 17:03
Last Modified:25 May 2016 17:03
Supervisor(s):Kumar, A

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