Heat Transfer Around a Circular Cylinder in the Laminar Zone

Varsh, Byri Amogh (2015) Heat Transfer Around a Circular Cylinder in the Laminar Zone. BTech thesis.



The present research work is based on the domain of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The entire work is done in the FLUENT component of ANSYS. The study of flow property has been divided into three phases. The first phase was getting familiar with the software ANSYS-FLUENT and learning its application and utility on the problem of a lid-driven square cavity. The work was done for Newtonian (n=1) fluid flow for a set of Reynolds numbers (100<Re<10,000). The flow was incompressible and in Laminar Regime.The next phase of the work was to study the problem in hand, i.e., flow past a circular cylinder for a square domain in a unsteady state condition to determine the value of drag coefficient. The flow was taken to be incompressible and in the laminar regime. Here the fluid considered was Newtonian fluid (n=1) .The values of the drag-coefficient obtained were validated from the literature. Then the final task was to observe the heat transfer flow around circular cylinder for a unsteady state condition and a bit more complicated geometry, i.e., an interim between square and circular geometry for a Newtonian fluid. The study was done by varying the Reynolds number (60<Re<150). The values of drag-coefficient, lift-coeffcient versus time were plotted, and Average Nusselt number versus the Prandtl number were plotted in the considered Reynolds number range. The flow pattern in an unsteady laminar incompressible flow was also studied.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Newtonian, Drag Coefficient, Lift Coefficient, Reynolds Number, Nusselt Number, Prandtl Number
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering > Computational Fluid Dynamics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:7749
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:29 May 2016 11:30
Last Modified:29 May 2016 11:30
Supervisor(s):Sahu, A

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