Machine to Machine Communication for Health Care and Disaster Management

Rath, Dikshya Shree (2015) Machine to Machine Communication for Health Care and Disaster Management. BTech thesis.



Machine to Machine communication for health and disaster management aims to develop a software module that will take data from the pulse or heart rate and temperature of a human being. The two machines involved here are a Raspberry pi and the own Personal Computer of the patient. The measured data is sent to one monitoring device via LAN as digital data and the samples will be analysed for a threshold level. If it exceeds it then person will not be allowed to drive the vehicle for these results will be compared with the parameters of a human body after alcohol consumption. This incorporates medical and disaster applications both. The video conferencing module is added so as to provide a direct communication between patient and health care professional. The data can be sent to medical professionals at the back end and the person can be warned of the health hazards as well as incorporating this will regulate and reduce the number of road accidents that take place due to reckless and drunk driving

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Machine to Machine, GPIO, IoT
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Wireless Communications
Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Mobile Networks
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:7786
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:17 Sep 2016 14:36
Last Modified:17 Sep 2016 14:36
Supervisor(s):Hiremath, S M

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