Homology Theory for CW-Complexes

Sahukar, Manasi Kumari (2015) Homology Theory for CW-Complexes. MSc thesis.



In this thesis we will have a study on homology theory of CW- complexes with an emphasis on finite-dimensional CW-complexes. We will first give a brief introduction on basic definitions and basic preliminaries of topological space and definition of CW-complexes and brief discussion on some important keywords in CW-complexes. Then certain definitions on singular homology theory of CW-complexes will be discussed. Then, we will give a brief discussion on axioms of homology theory for topological spaces and axioms of homology theory for CW-complexes. Finally, we will discuss Whitehead theorem and its proof.

Item Type:Thesis ( MSc)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Topology, Homotopy Group, Homology Group, Singular Homology Theory, CW-Complexes
Subjects:Mathematics and Statistics > Topology
Divisions: Sciences > Department of Mathematics
ID Code:7880
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:16 Sep 2016 17:03
Last Modified:16 Sep 2016 17:03
Supervisor(s):Behera, A

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