Impact of Iron Ore Mining on Water Quality

Naik, Abinash (2015) Impact of Iron Ore Mining on Water Quality. BTech thesis.



Mining operations require water for their functioning directly and indirectly. Since a long time mining industry has been exploiting water without realizing the adverse impact it is having on the environment and the regional ecosystem. Acid mine drainage has become a major concern associated with mining. Water contamination has caused spread of many diseases and has caused loss of life. This situation requires to be addressed before damaging the environment more and risking the ecosystem with it. Analysis of water quality for all the water bodies around the mines must be done to determine the source, effect and remedies of the pollutants and contaminants. This study deals with the analysis of water sample collected from iron ore mines. Similar work has been carried out by Ghosh and Sen (1999).

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Water Quality, Pollution, Impact
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mining Engineering > Environemental Impact
Engineering and Technology > Mining Engineering > Mine Water
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mining Engineering
ID Code:7949
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:25 Jun 2016 10:40
Last Modified:25 Jun 2016 10:40
Supervisor(s):Sahu, H B

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