Physical Design and Clock Tree Synthesis Methods For A 8-Bit Processor

Daxiniray , Debaprasad (2016) Physical Design and Clock Tree Synthesis Methods For A 8-Bit Processor. MTech thesis.



Now days a number of processors are available with a lot kind of feature from different industries. A processor with similar kind of architecture of the current processors only missing the memory stuffs like the RAM and ROM has been designed here with the help of Verilog style of coding. This processor contains architecturally the program counter, instruction register, ALU, ALU latch, General Purpose Registers, control state module, flag registers and the core module containing all the modules. And a test module is designed for testing the processor. After the design of the processor with successful functionality, the processor is synthesized with 180nm technology. The synthesis is performed with the data path optimization like the selection of proper adders and multipliers for timing optimization in the data path while the ALU operations are performed. During synthesis how to take care of the worst negative slack (WNS), how to include the clock gating cells, how to define the cost and path groups etc. have been covered. After the proper synthesis we get the proper net list and the synthesized constraint file for carrying out the physical design. In physical design the steps like floor-planning, partitioning, placement, legalization of the placement, clock tree synthesis, and routing etc. have been performed. At all the stages the static timing analysis is performed for the timing meet of the design for better performance in terms of timing or frequency. Each steps of physical design are discussed with special effort towards the concepts behind the step. Out of all the steps of physical design the clock tree synthesis is performed with some improvement in the performance of the clock tree by creating a symmetrical clock tree and maintaining more common clock paths. A special algorithm has been framed for creating a symmetrical clock tree and thereby making the power consumption of the clock tree low.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:8-bit µP, Synthesis, Physical Design, CTS, K-Mean Clustering
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > VLSI
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:8245
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:18 Sep 2017 17:01
Last Modified:05 Dec 2019 18:05
Supervisor(s):Acharya, Debiprasad Priyabrata

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