Preparation and Characterization of Gelatin-Tamarind Gum /Carboxymethyl Tamarind Gum Based Phase Separated Hydrogels and Films for Tissue Engineering Application

Shaw, Gauri Shankar (2016) Preparation and Characterization of Gelatin-Tamarind Gum /Carboxymethyl Tamarind Gum Based Phase Separated Hydrogels and Films for Tissue Engineering Application. MTech by Research thesis.



The purpose of this research was to synthesize and characterize gelatin and tamarind gum/carboxymethyl tamarind gum based phase-separated hydrogels and films for tissue engineering applications. The polymeric constructs were thoroughly characterized using bright-field microscope, FTIR spectroscope, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), mechanical tester and impedance analyzer. The biocompatibility and swelling property also evaluated. The antimicrobial efficiency of ciprofloxacin (model antimicrobial drug) loaded hydrogels and films were studied against E. coli. The in vitro drug release was carried out in pH 7.4. Microstuctural analysis suggested the formation of phase-separated formulations. FTIR studies suggested that carboxymethyl tamarind gum altered the secondary structure of the gelatin molecules. Presence of the polysaccharides within the formulations resulted in the increase in the enthalpy and entropy for evaporation of the moisture from the hydrogels and films. The mechanical studies indicated viscoelastic nature of the polymeric constructs. Electrical analysis suggested an increase in the impedance of the formulations in the presence of the tamarind gum. The presence of carboxymethyl tamarind gum resulted in the decrease in the impedance of the formulations. The hydrogels and films exhibited good biocompatibility, and pH dependent swelling behavior. The drug loaded samples showed good antimicrobial activity and the drug release was pH dependent and diffusion mediated.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech by Research)
Uncontrolled Keywords:hydrogels; films; phase-separated; tamarind gum; microstructure; swelling; hydrophobic; ciprofloxacin; Antimicrobial
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Biomedical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering
ID Code:8319
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:13 Dec 2016 15:05
Last Modified:13 Dec 2016 15:05
Supervisor(s):Pal, K and Pramanik, K

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