Biometric Attendance System Using R-305 Sensor and Arduino Uno

Suhag, Sahil (2016) Biometric Attendance System Using R-305 Sensor and Arduino Uno. MTech thesis.



Every organization,be an educational institute or organization public or private,it has to maintain accurate records of attendance of students or staff for effective working of organization.As time has shown, both private and public sectors face high level of mismanagement due to false records and impersonations.Employers and officials are concerned over employee absenteeism in their human resources and the problems in maintaining records of student attendance during lecture periods.Finger prints are the patterns of ridges and valleys on everyone’s finger tips.They can be used as a type of biometric identification which,like all personal features,are unique to a person and do not change in the person’s lifetime.An attendance system based on fingerprint technology,suitable to be used in a university environment,is presented in this thesis.The finger print based attendance system was implemented with Arduino Uno Microcontroller,R-305 fingerprint sensor and programmed in C++ using Arduino IDE.It comprises of two processes;enrollment and authentication.During enrollment, the finger print of the user is captured and its unique defining features extracted to be stored in the flash memory along with the other users identities as a template. Minutiae points,the unique feature,are extracted using a method which extracts the ridge’s endings and bifurcation. During authentication, the user’s fingerprint is scanned to be stored in one of the two buffers and the extracted features compared with the template which is loaded to the other buffer to compare the match before attendance is verified.The experimental result exhibits that the system developed is highly efficient in verifying fingerprint with a high level of accuracy.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Fingerprint;Biometrics;Arduino Uno;R-305 fingerprint module; Interfacing
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > VLSI
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:8352
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:07 Sep 2017 20:38
Last Modified:06 Dec 2019 13:52
Supervisor(s):Swain, Ayas Kanta

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