Sensor Database System

Chakraborty, Debarka (2017) Sensor Database System. MTech thesis.

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Sensor network, which is actually a collection of spatially separated sensor nodes, forms an integral part of smart city applications. The sensors used in the network must be interconnected with each other and must possess communication and data processing capabilities. Thus every layer of the city is being impacted. The data received from the sensors must be stored in the database and analyzed for different applications. The applications include traffic congestion management, fire detection, healthcare application and so on. This led to the evolution of sensor database system. In this thesis, the interfacing of sensor using different communication technology such as serial communication, ethernet communication etc. is being discussed. A client-server model is developed in case of ethernet communication through socket programming done in python. The data obtained from the sensor is stored in the mysql database through the python script running in the pc. Finally, the data obtained from the sensors is analyzed for a fire detection application process. The sensors used for this purpose are DHT11 sensor and MQ2 gas sensor.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:serial communication; ethernet communication; socket programming; UDP; DHT11 sensor; MQ2 gas sensor; SIM900 gsm module
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Sensor Networks
Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:8868
Deposited By:Mr. Kshirod Das
Deposited On:28 Mar 2018 14:50
Last Modified:28 Mar 2018 14:51
Supervisor(s):Das, Santos Kumar

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