Security Issues and ASIC Implementation Of An EPC C1G2 Complaint Authentication Protocol In RFID System

Mahapatra, Surya Narayan (2017) Security Issues and ASIC Implementation Of An EPC C1G2 Complaint Authentication Protocol In RFID System. MTech thesis.

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In this paper we investigate the privacy and security threats possible to RFID systems. Here we have proposed a new authentication protocol which provides all the features to preserve all kinds of attack and threats. Since information communication via radio} transmission can be easily} eavesdropped, therefore, many radio frequency identification (RFID) security mechanisms for location privacy protection have been proposed recently. However, most of previously proposed schemes do not conform to the EPC Class-1 GEN-2 standard for passive RFID tags as they require the implementation}of hash functions on the tags. This proposed based on simple cryptographic function such as PRNG(),CRC,XOR functions which are inbuilt in EPC class-1 GEN-2 tags .

Here we have consider low cost tags, so they can’t be feature by costly cryptographic functions. Here both reader-tag channel and reader-server} channel are insecure. The proposed method is not only satisfies all the security requirements for the} reader and the tag but also achieve compliance to EPC Class-1 GEN-2 specifications. Our security analysis says that it avoids all type of threats such as tag anonymity, tag location privacy, replay attack, MIM attack, forwardsecrecy,untracebility, desynchronizations compare} authentication delays with several existing work, and the results indicate us that our protocol} significantly improves the efficiency.

An ASIC implementation of GEN2 protocol integrated with lightweight} security fucntions are done usig VHDL.and we also explore the design space and provide a detailed analysis of the area occupied by the} synthesized circuits,}their power}consumption, and the through put in terms of protocol runs per second. To the best of our knowledge, this ASIC implementation of lightweight protocols conforming the EPC-C1G2 specification. [brace not closed]

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:RFID1; PRNG()2; forward and backward untracebility3; ASCI4; Authentication5
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science > Information Security
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:9073
Deposited By:Mr. Kshirod Das
Deposited On:03 May 2018 12:11
Last Modified:03 May 2018 12:11
Supervisor(s):Turuk, Ashok Kumar

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