Feasibility Study of Computation with Encrypted Data

Krishna, M Hari (2016) Feasibility Study of Computation with Encrypted Data. MTech thesis.

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Present day computing capacity is growing which in-turn exponentially increasing the demand for security of algorithms and digital data. Web-services offered by cloud are becoming a principal medium in today’s world to process such a vast volumes of highly private and sensitive data.

Here we proposed algorithms for encryption, evaluation and decryption, we have added the primitives and methods needed for system which will be useful in adapting the scheme so that one can design applications which primarily perform outsourced computation and also secures through controlling on bodies who can access data in cloud computing environment.

Our aim is to build a prototype cloud model of “Fully homomorphism” inculcated through web services finding method which will be feasibe for webservices of ”arithmetic expression” evaluation without deciphering the private data present in that arithmetic expression.

In this thesis, we are providing a comparative analysis of latest fully homomorphic encryption schemes, discuss important ideas of each scheme, and how one scheme improves over previous ones.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Fully Homomorphic Encryption; Chinese Remainder Theorem,; Variable precision Big Integer; Lattices; Gentry’s BluePrint
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science > Information Security
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:9349
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:18 May 2018 15:54
Last Modified:18 May 2018 15:54
Supervisor(s):Babu, Korra Sathya

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