Study of Boundary Layer Parameters on Rough Surfaces

Srivastava, Devesh and Pandey, Alok (2008) Study of Boundary Layer Parameters on Rough Surfaces. BTech thesis.



When real fluid flows past a solid body or a solid wall, the fluid particles adhere to the boundary and condition of no slip occurs. This means that the velocity of fluid close to the boundary will be same as that of boundary. If the boundary is stationary, the velocity of fluid at the boundary will be zero. Further away from the boundary, the velocity will be higher and as a result of this variation of velocity, the velocity gradient will exist. The velocity of fluid increases from zero velocity on the stationary boundary to the free stream velocity of the fluid in the direction normal to the boundary. This variation of velocity from zero to free stream velocity in the direction normal to the boundary takes place in a narrow region in the vicinity of solid boundary. This narrow region of fluid is called Boundary Layer.
Three main parameters (described below) that are used to characterize the size and shape of a boundary layer are the boundary layer thickness, the displacement thickness, and the momentum thickness.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Boundary Layer, Multitube Manometer
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Civil Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Civil Engineering
ID Code:94
Deposited By:Bhupendra Payal
Deposited On:05 May 2009 20:33
Last Modified:20 Dec 2013 14:54
Supervisor(s):Kumar, A

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