Analysis of Device to Device Relay based Communication Network Capacity in Overlay and Underlay modes

Bangarraju, K. (2018) Analysis of Device to Device Relay based Communication Network Capacity in Overlay and Underlay modes. MTech thesis.

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Direct communication between two adjacent devices namely device-to-device (D2D)communication is emerging as an important technology for the next generation mobile network design. Along with the offloading of high data traffic from the base station, it also offers more spectrum and energy efficiency. In this work, transmission capacity D2D relay network in overlay and underlay mode is analyzed. In overlay mode, D2D and cellular user use the distinctive parts of the same spectrum orthogonally. In underlay mode, both use the same spectrum opportunistically. Stochastic geometry specifically Poisson Point process (PPP) is an
effective mathematical tool to replicate the randomness of the heterogeneous network. In this research, PPP is incorporated to formulate the mathematical framework for the performance analysis of the proposed D2D relay and no relay enabled cellular network. Effect of several network parameters to the transmission capacity such as D2D and relay node density, and distance between D2D nodes are analyzed. Performance comparison between overlay and underlay mode of D2D relay network is presented through MATLAB based simulation.The proposal PPP scheme has potential for vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication network in intelligent automatic traffic control.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Device-to-device; Relay node; Transmission capacity; D2D distance; Successive probability; Poisson point process
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electrical Engineering > Wireless Communication
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electrical Engineering
ID Code:9643
Deposited By:IR Staff BPCL
Deposited On:15 Mar 2019 20:36
Last Modified:15 Mar 2019 20:36
Supervisor(s):Das, Susmita

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