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Number of items: 13.
Sahoo, Shaktisri Anilranjan (2013) Link Prediction in Social Networks. BTech thesis. AAgrawal, Nitesh (2015) Novel Approach for Neighbourhood-based Collaborative Filtering. BTech thesis. BBehera, Ananda Kumar (2014) Developing an Ontological approach to Content-based Recommendation System. BTech thesis. CChauhan, S K (2010) A Study of Inference Control Techniques. BTech thesis. DDileep, K and Rao, C M (2014) Analysis of collaborative filtering algorithms. BTech thesis. Dash, A. and George, L R (2010) Web Usage Mining: An Implementation. BTech thesis. GGarg, Sumit Kumar and Meher, Ronak Kumar (2015) Naive Bayes Model with Improved Negation Handling and N-Gram Method for Sentiment Classification. BTech thesis. KKumar , Nitesh and Reddy, Ranabothu Nithin (2012) Automatic Detection of Fake Profiles in Online Social Networks. BTech thesis. Kumar, T (2014) Automatic text summarization. BTech thesis. MMeher, Himanshu Kumar (2015) Study on Sentiment Analysis. BTech thesis. PPriyadarshan, Soumyakant (2013) Community detection in social networks. BTech thesis. SSarangi, A and Panchamukhi, S (2010) Blocking SQL Injection in Database Stored Procedures. BTech thesis. Saroha, Ankit (2014) Survey of k-Anonymity. BTech thesis. |