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Number of items: 8.
Lakra, Roshan (2013) Assessement of uncertainity analysis of mine fans by studing ventilation network design. BTech thesis. BBarik, Santanu Kumar (2013) Application of inverse theory in open pit blasting. BTech thesis. DDas, Anshuman (2012) Mining Machine Reliability Analysis Using Das, Bitanshu (2012) Open Pit Production Scheduling applying Meta Heuristic approach. BTech thesis. GGangawat , J (2014) Optimization of production planning in underground mining. BTech thesis. KKumar, A (2014) Production scheduling and mine fleet assignment using integer programming. BTech thesis. PPanda, Nishith (2013) Uncertainty modeling of ore body and grades using single normal equation simulation and sequential gaussian simulation: an application to an iron ore mine. BTech thesis. SSethi, Manas Ranjan (2012) Risk based mine planning price uncertainty. BTech thesis. |