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Number of items: 6.
JJhade, Vidhyasagar (2017) Effect of Base Bleed on Drag of a Boat-Tail Projectile. MTech thesis. PPal, Lipsa (2016) Numerical Study of Flow Over a Projectile. MTech thesis. SSinha, Vishal Anand (2016) A Parametric Study on the Cryosurgery of Gel Mimicking Tissue Phantoms. MTech thesis. Sanwal, Shantanu (2016) Turbulent Natural Convection in an Enclosure With a Triangular Roof with Different Inclination Angles. MTech thesis. TTom, Sachin (2016) Numerical Study of Turbulent Natural Convection in an Enclosure with Conjugate Heat Transfer. MTech thesis. VVishwakarma, Bipin Kumar (2016) Modeling of 2m Single Phase High Temperature Superconducting Power Cable. MTech thesis. |