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Number of items: 4.
HHmar, Baby Zaithanpuii (2018) Design and Development of a Pulper for Kendu Fruit. PhD thesis. KK, Vivek (2019) Development of Spray-dried Probiotic Powder from Ultrasound-assisted Enzymatically Extracted Sohiong (Prunus nepalensis) Juice. PhD thesis. PPathak, Sumit Sudhir (2022) Design and Development of a Cryogenic Decorticator Cum Grinder for Phytochemical Rich Myrobalan Fruit Powder. PhD thesis. SS, Abdullah (2022) Development of Membrane Filtration Process Protocol for Reduction of Astringency and Retention of Bioactive Compounds in Cashew Apple (Anacardium occidentale L.) Juice. PhD thesis. |