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Number of items: 6.
KKumar, Ch. S and Kumar, G and Bhalotia, A (2010) Design of an Intelligent Power Supply System. BTech thesis. Kumar, S and Baranwal, V (2010) Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor using Neuro Fuzzy Technique. BTech thesis. MMishra, Manish (2009) Speed Control of DC Motor Using Novel Neural Network Configuration. BTech thesis. NN, Siva Prasad and Kumar, Suresh (2007) Implementation of a MSP430-based ultrasonic distance measurement module. BTech thesis. RRout, Rashmi Ranjan and Tripathy, Durga Prasad (2009) AC to DC Converter Using Microcontroller. BTech thesis. SSahu, Santosh Pallav and Roshan, Uma Shankar and Agrawal, Umesh Kumar (2007) Implementation of a MSP430-based digital thermometer using the slope ADC of the timer port module. BTech thesis. |