Flow Behavior of Fly Ash Slurry

Oram, Pradeep (2009) Flow Behavior of Fly Ash Slurry. BTech thesis.



The present study therefore makes use of literature available in terms of fly ash, to design and conduct different experiments on settling rate and hydraulic transportation aspects of fly ash.Different experiments were conducted to find the pH at different levels of lime, cement and gypsum. These were done to further utilize the cementing property of fly ash and its use for support and fill the mine voids as well as construction of cement of different strength levels. It was observed that the strength level increase with the increase in the percentage of lime and it was observed to be maximum at 4% of lime and 8 % cement and 4% gypsum. Thus as pH is directly related to strength so it indicated that the strength characteristics was further enhanced using the aforesaid composition. The SEM of the samples were done to study the characteristics of individual elements as the element having spherical shapes showed maximum pozzolanic character. The flow characters were studied using the CFD software which showed the particles flow was in turbulent manner and there is a critical velocity below which very few materials get transported and on exceeding this also the particles stick to the walls and less transportation takes place. In order to fulfill the raw data of the software experiment for moisture content, turbidity, density, and specific gravity were done. The initial model for importing into the FLUENT was done using the GAMBIT software. Thus all the relevant data like velocity, density, friction loss, particle motion etc were graphically obtained from the software and the results was analyzed.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:slurry flow behavior, fly ash, fluent
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mining Engineering > Underground Mining
Engineering and Technology > Mining Engineering > Mining Geomechanics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mining Engineering
ID Code:178
Deposited By:Pradeep Oram
Deposited On:09 May 2009 11:13
Last Modified:09 May 2009 11:13
Supervisor(s):Naik, H K and Mishra, M K

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