Number of items at this level: 36.
Choudhary, Sundeep (2013) Some properties of flyash for mine backfilling. BTech thesis.
Aggarwal, Akshay (2014) Evaluation Of Best-Fit Failure Criteria For Talcher Area. BTech thesis.
Anand, Nitish (2017) An Evaluation of Cerchar Abrasive Index Unit. MTech thesis.
Anand, Vishal and Giri, Mrinal (2015) Evaluation and Correlation of Some Properties of Coal. BTech thesis.
Bhoi, Manas Ranjan (2012) Creep behavior of rock. BTech thesis.
Chakravarty, Raj (2013) Study of Stability of Overburden Dumps Mixed with Flyash in an Opencast Coal Mine. BTech thesis.
Chaudhary, A K (2014) Red mud based composite material for underground coal mines roof support. MTech thesis.
Chhimpa, Vikas Kumar (2017) Evaluation of Different Rock Failure Approaches. MTech thesis.
Das, Gorakinkar (2011) Analysis of Slope Stability for Waste Dumps in a Mine. BTech thesis.
Dash , Debadurlabha (2015) Influence of Chemical and Textural Characteristics on Geomechanical Properties of Sandstone. MTech thesis.
Flora, Charanpreet Singh (2009) Evaluation of Slope stability for Waste Rock Dumps in a Mine. BTech thesis.
Gaurav, Anubhav (2011) Extraction of contiguous coal seams. BTech thesis.
Ghosh, Nilabjendu (2011) Permeability of Indian coal. BTech thesis.
Goswami, Agam Das (2018) An Evaluation of Multi-point Stochastic approaches for Uncertainty Assessment in Ore Grade Estimation. PhD thesis.
Jaiswal, Amit Kumar (2014) Development of stabilized Fly Ash composite materials for Haul Road Application. MTech thesis.
Kashi, Vivek Kumar (2015) Development and Evaluation of Fly Ash Sand Composite Materials with Additives. MTech thesis.
kumar, B.prithiraj amitesh (2013) Dump slope stability analysis. BTech thesis.
Marndi, Bhagaban (2011) Stability of Slopes in Iron Ore Mines. BTech thesis.
Mohanty, Debidayal and Singh, Sachchidanand (2013) Experimental and Numerical evaluation of mine pillar design. BTech thesis.
Mohanty, Manasi Manjari (2018) Numerical Simulation of CO2 Sequestration to Enhance Methane Recovery using Multipoint Geostatistics. PhD thesis.
Naidu, Basava Vishal (2016) Evaluation of Current Pillar Design Practice in Ramagundam Coal Belt. BTech thesis.
Nanda , Abinash (2010) Correlation analysis of spontaneous heating of some SECL coals. BTech thesis.
Nayak, T (2014) Stability analysis of dump with admixture of fly-ash and overburden material in open-cast coal mines. BTech thesis.
Oram, Pradeep (2009) Flow Behavior of Fly Ash Slurry. BTech thesis.
Panda, Debakanta and Kumar , Amit (2014) Determination of Some Properties of Fly Ash with Lime and Cement. BTech thesis.
Pati, Nishant Kumar (2011) Evaluation of Underground Coal Pillar Design. BTech thesis.
Prakash, Bisleshana Brahma (2009) Design of Stable Slope for Opencast Mines. BTech thesis.
Prasad, B.N.V. Siva (2013) Study of Strata Behaviour in Blasting Gallery Panel in Coal Mines. BTech thesis.
Rai , Purna Bahadur and Mahapatro, Sudeep (2013) Overburden Dump Slope Stability: A Case Study At Coal Mine. BTech thesis.
Rajput, Ashish (2016) A Study of Energy in Rock Blasting. MTech thesis.
Ram, Pankajkumar Kanchan (2016) Development of a Needle Penetrometer Device and Evaluation of its Performance. MTech thesis.
Rathore , Suryakant (2017) Development of Red Mud Based Composite Material to Enhance the Strength. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Manoranjan (2015) Determination and Correlation of a Few Properties of Coal. BTech thesis.
Singh, S K (2011) Extraction of Thick Coal Seams. BTech thesis.
Singh, Vikrant Dev (2013) Design of systematic support system for development and depillaring in underground coal mines. BTech thesis.
Suman, Sandeep (2015) Slope Stability Analysis Using Numerical Modelling. BTech thesis.
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 06:48:05 2025 IST.